Where to Check Family Court Case Status in New York

Family courts specialize in cases relating to child custody, visitation (now called parenting time), support matters and orders of protection for minors. This court also oversees cases involving abuse and neglect allegations, juvenile delinquency cases and adoption proceedings. Rarely would one seek divorce or annulment in Family Court; such actions typically arise in Supreme Court. New York State Unified Court System New York State Unified Court System comprises eleven separate trial courts, such as the Read more…

Who is Angelina Jolie’s Divorce Lawyer?

As is widely reported, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are divorcing and one of their lawyers is Laura Wasser, known for being tough during Hollywood divorce cases. She has represented celebrities like Johnny Depp, Gwen Stefani and Kim Kardashian – serving as inspiration for Laura Dern’s wise attorney character in “Marriage Story”. Recently, Jolie replaced Samantha Bley Dejean with more aggressive counsel for their custody battle. Laura Wasser Wasser is widely known for her serious Read more…

How to Get Money For a Divorce Lawyer

No one plans for divorce and rarely sets aside funds specifically to pay a lawyer; however, this doesn’t have to mean the cost of it breaks your budget. Reduce the costs associated with your divorce by forgoing the “blame game” and being strategic about which issues are worth fighting over. Taking out a loan An installment loan to cover divorce expenses may help to ease financial strain during this difficult period, but it’s crucial that Read more…

What Law School is Right For Me?

Law school can be an extremely demanding academic experience that is both financially and psychologically taxing. Law school can help you build networks at clinics, expand your worldview and prepare you for a lucrative postgraduate career path. Furthermore, law schools are an opportunity to find purpose in work and find satisfaction through lawful activities. Location Location can have a significant effect on how much you enjoy law school. It’s hard to thrive in an unpleasant Read more…

Who Invented Personal Injury Law?

Have You Heard About Personal Injury Law? When involved in a car accident, experiencing medical negligence, or purchasing an unsuitable product you likely encountered personal injury law – but who started this branch of legal practice? Donoghue v Stevenson in 1932 brought negligence into sharp focus and laid out that manufacturers owe consumers a duty of care. The Industrial Revolution Pre-Industrial Revolution, it was incredibly rare for anyone to be injured by someone they hadn’t Read more…

Why Law School Is Worth It?

As with any investment, whether law school is worth your while depends on numerous variables. Students must carefully consider their personal goals before making an informed decision about law school. Cost can be an immense barrier to law school enrollment for many. Though there may be ways to lower tuition and living costs, most law students graduate with sizable debt burdens. 1. You’ll learn to think like a lawyer Law school can be a rewarding Read more…

Starting a New Practice – How Much Lawyer Make an Hour?

People often associate lawyers with Big Law firms and make an assumption about how much they make; this may or may not be accurate, though it does play into how much lawyers typically earn. Lawyer salaries differ considerably between states and metropolitan areas, with those in Washington D.C., California, Massachusetts and New York typically earning the highest wages. Upfront fees As part of beginning a practice, one must carefully consider how much upfront fees they Read more…

How Many Family Law Cases Go to Trial?

New York Family Court cases involve legal issues related to families such as dissolution of marriage, child custody disputes, visitation rights disputes and paternity matters, as well as setting financial support obligations. Furthermore, it makes orders regarding children’s health and wellbeing. Experienced attorneys are ready and waiting to assist with the Family Court process and safeguard your rights. Contact us to set up a consultation. 1. Child Custody Cases Decisions surrounding child custody are of Read more…

How Many Family Courts in Mumbai?

Family courts often deal with difficult, emotional and psychological matters that have an escalating nature, leading many cases into protracted litigations. Couples sometimes file frivolous applications or counter-applications which lead to further filings, taking up precious court time. Therefore, the Bombay High Court has strongly advised the state government to establish additional Family courts. How many family courts are there in Maharashtra? Mumbai currently hosts seven family courts, and its state government is working toward Read more…

How to Find the Best Divorce Lawyer in Your Area

Divorce can be an emotionally and stressful time. To ensure the best experience and knowledge throughout, hire an attorney that understands your case. Finding the right divorce attorney begins by seeking referrals from friends and family, but also consider finding someone with expertise in child custody disputes or equal division of assets. Ask for Recommendations Personal recommendations from friends and family are an excellent place to start when selecting a divorce attorney, providing insight into Read more…