The Attorney General represents the State in all legal matters and supervises and directs its offices, boards, divisions and bureaus that comprise the Department of Justice. In addition, he offers advice and opinions – formal and informal – regarding legal matters.

He oversees 49 professional licensing boards that license over 750,000 professionals, as well as an initiative providing assistance to crime victims. Furthermore, he possesses broad criminal authority and may take over investigations or prosecutions handled by County Prosecutors.

The Office of the Attorney General is located at 165 Capitol Avenue in Trenton.

This office specializes in investigations and prosecutions, civil litigation, policy initiatives, outreach efforts, education and training. Led by a chief deputy attorney general and four deputy attorneys general who oversee 21 specialized law divisions.

The Divisions of Medicaid Fraud Control, Criminal Justice and Environmental Enforcement focus their prosecution efforts on cases involving misappropriation or misuse of public funds, such as Medicaid program fraud or abuse or neglect by long-term care facilities; conduct civil qui tam litigation; prosecute other broad crimes such as identity theft, computer crimes, organized crime gang activity or drug trafficking among other activities. They also defend criminal convictions on appeal and represent the state when prisoners file suit regarding their incarceration.

As chief legal officer for their jurisdiction, attorneys general serve as chief legal officers for state government agencies and legislatures as well as being public advocates in legal matters. Their constitutionally prescribed role includes representing citizens’ rights through providing legal opinions to Governors or Heads of state agencies when requested and serving ex officio membership on committees/commissions as required defending challenges/suits against government employees; this office does not offer advice directly to individuals.


The Attorney General serves as the state’s top law enforcement official, overseeing multiple specialized prosecution agencies that focus on specific types of crimes. These agencies include: Office of Insurance Fraud Prosecuter (OIFP), Public Integrity & Accountability (OPIA), Securities & Financial Crimes Prosecutions (OSFFCP), District Attorney Support Programs and Victim of Crime Support programs administered by OPIA; public integrity investigations are handled by OPIA while OSFFCP prosecutes complex financial crimes. Besides overseeing these prosecution agencies the Attorney General also manages programs designed to assist district Attorneys, local law enforcement, victims of crime as well as manage programs designed to support district Attorneys, local law enforcement as well as victims of crime victims through various support programs designed specifically.

Parking options are available at the building for employees and visitors; all spaces may be subject to availability.

State payroll employees may select monthly parking through pre-tax bi-weekly payroll deduction. Parking for other individuals will be offered on a first come, first serve basis.


Each state Attorney General serves as the top legal officer, overseeing civil and criminal investigations across their state while working to advance economic and social justice, reduce harm-reducing public health strategies, and preserve the environment. An AG’s office typically comprises lawyers as well as various support staff such as economists, scientists, librarians and communications specialists. The Attorney General position stands out in that it is the only executive branch position with criminal jurisdiction (as opposed to Cabinet or agencies). Due to its expansive duties and responsibilities, it provides an ideal learning tool for law students and young attorneys looking for careers in public service.

The National Association of State Attorneys General provides an online educational resource for students interested in AGs and their offices. Their Leadership Center for AG Studies conducts original research to analyze actions taken by AGs; then shares this knowledge with key stakeholders and the general public.

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